What is Open-Realty®?

Starting a brand new realty site can often be difficult. By using Open-Realty®, you save website development hours and pay attention to your business enterprise. Open-Realty® certainly is the world’s best web application for developing realty sites. It’s obtainable for absolutely free and is also offered in our Applications Installer.

Everything that Open-Realty® will offer you is a simple and convenient way to maintain your website. You can employ the included WYSIWYG instrument to deal with all of your web pages. You can utilize the enclosed blogging platform to create a blog for your own site. And you can quickly add listings within your blog posts without any additional resources. Furthermore, all of the web pages are designed in a SEO–friendly way, which means that your web site will be more quickly listed in the search engines.

Open-Realty® is a registered trademark of Transparent Technologies, Inc. and is not affiliated with Small Business Hosting.

Open-Realty®–Optimized Linux Cloud Hosting Services

With Small Business Hosting, you’ll be able to start your real–estate business. The optimized Open-Realty® Linux cloud hosting plans feature an automatic Open-Realty® installation. academy domain name registration for just $33.49 is available as well. Therefore, after you log into your Control Panel, your new Open-Realty® web site is going to be there for you to update.

All our Open-Realty®–optimized Linux cloud hosting packages come with limitless disk space, unrestricted data traffic and unlimited MySQL database storage space allocations, frequent data backups as well as a 99.9% server uptime guarantee. Thus, it is easy to give attention to developing your site and also on growing your firm without worrying with regard to your web hosting account.

A Point & Click Control Panel

Small Business Hosting’s Open-Realty®–optimized Linux cloud hosting plans will offer you complete control over your Open-Realty® web site on account of the in–house introduced Control Panel. It’s accessible in over 10 languages and color options, allowing you to 100% customize it to your personal taste.

The Control Panel features a drag–and–drop File Manager in which your Open-Realty® installation files as well as your site files will be located, a Databases Manager for your own databases, and a feature rich E Mail Account Manager where you can manage your emails. Furthermore, we’ve incorporated an in depth statistics tool, which will keep you up to date on your traffic and resource consumption in real time.